About Us

EOCD is changing the way Oral Pathology is practiced!

Oral Cancer diagnosis is being redefined by a new technology: a technology that promises of computational methodology to reduce human error and increase diagnostic accuracy and reduce mortality in oral cancer patients.

EOCD is pushing it’s technology past limits of traditional lab methodologies in diagnosis of oral cancer diagnosis with its digital platform and pipeline of AI application. Developed by a combination of medical advisor and software developers EOCD is transforming the economics and practice of oral cancer pathology, putting the power of early diagnosis and treatment of oral cancer diseases using data-centric algorithms to work in fight against Oral Cancer mortality.

Our Mission – Early and accurate diagnosis of Oral Cancer using AI (machine and deep learning)

The number of deaths from oral cancers in Canada is staggering— it will cause over 1,500 deaths, killing roughly 4 people per day. Of those 5,400 newly diagnosed individuals in Canada in 2021, only slightly more than half will be alive in 5 years. (Approximately 57%) . Our team at EOCD is driven and motivated to help fight these various forms of Oral cancers in Canada using advanced and innovative software tools for fast and effective early diagnosis and treatment of Oral Cancer patients. We hope to contribute to the fight for eradicating and preventing cancers by collaborating with medical professionals and researchers worldwide.

Using Deep Learning (DL) and Machine Learning (ML) platforms, we have developed specialized algorithmic solutions to analyze cytology images for faster and better assessment than human accuracy. Our solutions, which are both in API and Web Platforms, are designed to offer faster and better access for second and third diagnostic opinions by medical professionals to help develop a therapeutic approach quickly. This will help the patients and physicians by reducing anxiety caused by not knowing what they are dealing with and will result in selecting beat treatment method personalized by patient’s situation.

Our solutions do all the work—considers the type of cancer patient is dealing with, identify correlation between cancer and individual cell behavior, discovers patterns and trends, and analysis it using various algorithms. It’s a lot but not enough as we work to expand its reach and provide treatment advice for our patient using our platform.

You focus on savings lives, We focus on early diagnosis!

Optimized by TECHNOLOGY, uncovered by INNOVATION.

EOCD turns your practice into an accurate oral cancer pathology lab.

Technologies involved

EOCD’s technology is based upon the application of AI and Deep Learning approaches. Our company presents a clinical diagnostic tool to identify oral cancer using cytology images. We have developed and evaluated a deep learning-based algorithm that provides fully automated detection and screening of the oral cancer using cytology images. Our product has the potential to be used in dental clinics, hospitals and pathology centres for fast, accurate and reproducible assessment of cytology images of different types of oral cancer.

Our platform starts with histology images and their corresponding annotation mask that is obtained from experienced pathologist for training phase. We used a 2D Gaussian filter to generate fuzzy ground truth. Slide scanners do not provide sufficiently good focus for cytological samples and a focus selection step was applied to solve this. We developed a deep learning U-Net Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) followed by binary classifier to delineate the nucleus and detect the tumor malignancy. Next, we developed a Convolutional Neural Network model (U-Net Network Architecture) to analyse image dataset and detect nucleus. The model utilizes deep learning libraries of python such as Keras and Tensor flow. We trained a U-Net Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) using original images and them correspond fuzzy labels.

Although brush biopsy to obtain cytology slides is currently used as an assessment method in Oral Cancer, it goes ‎without saying that machine analysis of Cytology images through data mining and machine learning is ‎more accurate and reliable compared to human led analysis, as the software is able to ‎detect the slightest changes in individual cell patterns which are not generally discerned by the ‎unaided eye.

Based upon the result of the cytology image analysis, the practitioners will be able to diagnose ‎oral cancer and pre-cancer in the early stages of the disease and plan the anticancer treatment ‎accordingly.

EOCD’s Advantages 

  1. Our application offering proposes to reduce the time taken for diagnosis considerably due to real-time processing.
  2. Our product Utilize Deep learning and AI platform to learn the relationship between cytology images and oral cancer pathology. The real-time AI model can be further expanded for global and regional assessment of oral cancer.
  3. The software application generates reproducible results that are not dependent on the experience of the reader. It can be used in any remote clinic or pathology center
  4. It has the potential to be used in any pathology and dental center, especially in remote areas. Once the report is generated, it can be automatically sent to a pathologist located in another city or across the world to another country, and the results can be verified before used for making treatment decisions.
  5. We used an incremental learning strategy to adapt to the new data without replacing its existing knowledge, and so it does not retrain the model. This technique enables the network to be constantly refreshed and retrained with new data while retaining the old.
  6. The product can be integrated with the pathology biopsy device to generate the pathology report quickly and accurately.

What Advantages You Gain

Using our technology your practice is equipped with a powerful diagnostic tool!

  • AI’s higher effectiveness and efficiency will allow pathologists, dentists and oral surgeons to perform more value-added tasks, becoming more visible to patients and playing a vital role in multidisciplinary clinical teams.
  • AI systems look at specific labeled structures and learn how to extract image features either visible or invisible to the human eye. Our technology reduces human error at your practice.
  • Our AI application improves the reproducibility of technical protocols, improve image quality, decrease radiation dose, decrease imaging time, and optimize staffing and cytology images utilization, reducing costs.
  • Our application streamlines and accelerates technicians’ work, resulting in an average higher technical quality of tests.
  • Our AI platform assists the physician in higher-order knowledge integration with the experience of thousands of medical procedures that a single person would not be able to integrate alone.
  • AI also plays a key role in certifying the robustness of its outputs. In having access to limitless medical case studies, programs can be cross-trained from various data sets to test predictive accuracy.